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What’s Happening

What’s happening in March! 


Welcome to March! The days are getting longer and spring is in the air . . . the first flowers are out and on warm days you might see a butterfly or two.

On this page (last updated 1 March):

What to look out for this month

March and April – what to look out for

While some winter birds are yet to fly back north to their nesting sites, spring fever is definitely on its way.  March and April is such an exciting time of year with plenty of spring wildlife to look… Read More


Wetlands Trail – what’s happening now

Our Wetlands Trail changes often . . . 

The March squares are now up . . . find out what creature on the reserve sounds like a pig, which common mammal squeaks and which bird inspired the design of the Japanese bullet trains. But hurry as this winter trail will be replaced at the end of the month

Click Portishead Wetlands Trail to find out more.

Where’s Wilbur?

There are 12  metal Wilburs to find along the nature reserve paths.  Take a selfie with a Wilbur and share with us on social media #ifoundwilbur.



Spotting Cards

See if you can spot these on the reserve. You can pick up this Spotting Card from the leaflet holders on the metal welcome signs at the 3 entrances to the reserve.

March Spotting Card

March Spotting Card back

Click spotting cards to see all available months.

Volunteering Dates

If you fancy helping with some physical work on the reserve you might want to join one of the warden’s volunteering mornings. We meet at Wharf Lane Car Park at 9.30am.

Volunteering sessions Mar 2025:
  • Tuesday 11th March
  • Wednesday 26th March

Any questions and to receive regular updates please email the warden:

Celebrating our Dog Rangers

The dog ranger this month is RUBY! 

Our Portbury Wharf Dog Ranger Scheme is to acknowledge and to encourage wildlife-friendly dogs and their owners who protect the reserve, the salt marsh and its wildlife.

I am Ruby, Dog Ranger of the Month

Sustainable access on Portbury Wharf Salt Marsh 

Thank you to all for taking care of our salt marsh and staying on the landward side of the posts. Restricting access to the top of the salt marsh has made an incredible difference and given this precious habitat and its wildlife residents a chance to recover and flourish. Well done everyone!

Damaged salt marsh Boundary post Post sign

From our 2023 archive . . . New boundary marker posts
Enjoy your walks at Portbury Wharf Salt Marsh along the newly marked sustainable route at the top and bottom of the sea wall.  Listen out for the curlews too – they were serenading us when we installed the posts that mark the boundaries of this route. There is still ample room by the sea wall to have a wander, admire the sea views while at the same time protecting the salt marsh beyond and its wildlife. This is all part of an initiative with Natural England to create sustainable access at the top of the salt marsh.

We have also established 3 study areas to record the recovery of damaged areas of the salt marsh. We will share the results from this study with you as the project progresses on our Salt Marsh Study page.

See also Could your New Year’s resolution help a local salt marsh? (on this website) . . .
. . . or follow the link to the North Somerset Times website.

Recent Posts:

March and April – what to look out for

While some winter birds are yet to fly back north to their nesting sites, spring fever is definitely on its way.  March and April is such an exciting time of year with plenty of spring wildlife to look… Read More


February – What to look out for

  Look out for FROGS and TOADS! This is their mating time and they are on the move. February and March is the time when we are most likely to see them as large numbers converge on their… Read More


January – What to look out for

Happy New Year! This is the time of year when the winter birds are here, so next time you go down to the reserve look out for thrushes in the hedgerows and on the ponds the ducks and… Read More